How do I place an order?

Select Child you’re ordering for. Select 2 or 3 courses. Select day or days required. Add menu items and click the “Place Order” button, you’ll be taken to the checkout pages to make a payment.
How do I order for more than one child?

Select Child you’re ordering for. Select 2 or 3 courses. Select day or days required. Add menu items and click the “Place Order” button. When you receive the pop up message click “Order More” and repeat the process (selecting your next child). If your children attend the same school you can select multiple children at the commencement of your order.
How do I know my order is confirmed?

Click on the “Make Payment” button once only and wait for the success pop up message to appear.
An email confirmation message will also be sent confirming your order details.
If you are uncertain, you can view your confirmed orders in the “My Account” section of the website.
What do I do if I have trouble placing an order

Logging out of the site and logging back in will almost always resolve the issue.
Make sure you select a menu item for each course you nominate.
It’s after 8.30am – Can I place an order for today?

You will be UNABLE TO access the Menu/PLACE ORDERS FOR THE CURRENT DAY after 8.30am.
Our suppliers log into our system at 8.30am and supply only the items of food ordered for this day.
We post our Menu at the start of Term for the Whole Term and you are able to ORDER IN ADVANCE and CANCEL AN ORDER if for someone reason you don't require it (e.g. child illness/school activity).
WE DO NOT ACCEPT LATE ORDERS! Please do not email asking for a lunch after 8.30am as refusal may offend!
How much does it cost?

A TWO Course Lunch has 3 price types
A THREE Course Lunch has 3 price types
- A: $6.45
- B: $7.45
- C: $8.95
A THREE Course Lunch has 3 price types
- A: $8.95
- B: $9.95
- C: $11.45
How to modify an existing order? (before 8.30am)

To Modify your order - Scroll down to the 'Order Summary' area - click on 'EDIT' (the little pencil) beside the order you wish to modify and make the change. Click on Save (the tick) to update the order. You will receive an email confirming the change.
How to cancel an existing order (before 9.30am)?

To Cancel your order - Scroll down to the ‘Order Summary’ area and click on ‘DELETE’ (the little circle with a line through it). Once you have cancelled your order our system will generate a Voucher for you to redeem when you'd like. The voucher details will be emailed to you as well as appearing in the My Account area when you log in under and scroll down to Voucher Redemption.
Please note that Cancellations must be logged on our system prior to 9.30am on the day the order is to be delivered - after this time the lunch will be delivered to school whether or not your child is there to eat it!