

Today’s young people are not just educated and knowledgeable about Sustainable practices, they are active in their desire to hold to account those who are not acting responsibly.  We’re trying hard to do our bit towards being on the right side of the 'War on Waste', as well as helping Our Schools meet their sustainability goals!  

We approach this commitment from a number of angles;

Our Internal sustainable practices  e.g; 

  • Food Waste minimisation, by only preparing food to the numbers ordered
  • Energy-efficient lighting and equipment
  • Composting our Fruit and Veg waste
  • Recycling/waste management.

Our commitment to minimising our Scope 3 Emissions e.g;

  • Using very local suppliers for as many of the items as possible on our Menu so that we are not transporting raw produce from a distance. The Majority of our suppliers are within 1km of our Preparation Kitchen
  • Optimisation of delivery routes to ensure vehicles spend the least possible time on the road to reduce emissions.


Our Meals are created to be eaten in the classroom with minimum fuss, using as little packaging as possible.  We favour paper-based recyclable products over plastic products.  Any implements required and a napkin (if needed to wipe fruit juicy fingers), will be supplied with the meal.  These items are 100% biodegradable /compostable.

Where Menu items require serving in a sealed container rather than a paper bag, the container will be both sourced from recycled material and be 100% biodegradable /compostable.

We are especially pleased to let you know that our Sushi is served in a 100% Biodegradable / HOME Compostable bag.